First and foremost..
The health of our pets is always our top priority and we will always share our interesting findings with you. This will ensure all our pets can be in the best of health they can be, reducing vets visits and the need for medications.
These blogs posts span the topic of canine health as broadly as I can. You will see posts from specific conditions such as Alabama Rot & Bloat to posts such as raw feeding your pets.
Boredom Busters for Dogs at Home
While I’m writing this blog the world is in lock-down; so it seems more relevant then ever. Wren and I are going stir crazy so these small boredom busters for dogs along side our daily walk is working out fantastically. However; these games don’t have to be just played in lock-down, they are great to play at any time. Games and activities are an essential part of a dogs life they encourage:1. Training – keeping those skills sharp2. Attention – building up a focus and attention on the owner3. Impulse control – foundations for most commands and skills for a dog4. Use energy that couldn’t otherwise be released – not…
Why We Don’t Feed Rawhide
There’s a new treat on the block and it’s here to replace rawhide, Smart Bones are a healthy alternative to rawhide made from vegetables and stuffed with all kinds of yummy including peanut butter. Why isn’t rawhide good for dogs? The most popular ingredient for dog chews, so why don’t people know that it could potentially be the most dangerous. Rawhide does not have any meat or vegetable content and is a by product of the leather industry. When the animal hide is spilt from the animal the top layer is tanned and made into leather products whilst the inner portion goes to the dogs. But how does it get…
Tripe; Stinks But Why Do Dogs Love It?
It smells like one of the worst things I have ever smelt; so why on earth do I keep feeding it? The health benefits that dg receive from green tripe particularly far outweighs the smell. It is the superfood that all dogs crave and need. What is Tripe? Essentially it is the stomach of a grazing animal; most commonly cows, buffalo and sheep. The unique stomachs of these animals have four parts to them. Enabling the breakdown of grasses in an array of digestive enzymes, gastric juices and Amino acids. The best tripe is when its in it’s green form, as white tripe has been bleached removing any nutrients of…
Fruits and Vegetables that are NOT dog friendly | Dog Health
We all know that dogs LOVE human food, they will even perfect their best puppy dog eyes and beg for it. Since fruits and vegetables are healthy for humans most people will automatically assume they are health for dogs too. Well; not all of them some are toxic or have severe health issues after consumed by canines. So why do we feed fruits and vegetables? When I post a recipe on this blog; I make a habit of telling you how good the ingredients are for your dogs. Many of those reasons will be in this list below: They contain important vitamins and minerals for the body Some are packed…
What is Xylitol & How it can affect your pets? | Health
Xylitol; is a sugar alcohol sweetener that is used in many kinds of foods made for humans. Whilst being safe for humans showing up as a sugar replacement, it’s certainly not safe for dogs. For this reason it’s crucial to be aware of what your dog is eating inside and outside the home. So what foods contain Xylitol? Common foods that contain Xylitol include: Peanut Butter Nicorette Chewing Gum Mouthwashes Toothpaste Yogurts Xylitol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream; this result into an increased release of insulin. This increase in insulin causes a decrease in the blood sugars known as Hypoglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia can be as quick as 10 – 60…
National Spay Day – Why should you spay or neuter your pet?
If you have recently had a pet come into your life or thinking about getting one. The most important decisions you will make is; whether you will spay/neuter or not. Spaying your female dog will remove the ovaries and uterus and neutering your male dog will remove the testes. So with National Spay Day taking place this month here are the top reasons you should consider about spaying & neutering. Your female pet will be at a reduced risk of breast cancer and Uterine Infections Your male pet will be protected from testicular cancer This will prevent unwanted or unplanned litters Spayed females won’t go into heat Studies say neutered…
Is your garden dog friendly? | Dog Health
With Spring approaching many people will be refreshing the seasonal plants in their gardens but how many are actually dog-friendly? Are the plants in your gardens safe if they are to be consumed or touched. Reactions can range from skin irritation to death, the following list has been compiled from various source over the years. It does not supply a complete list of plants and is only intended as a guide. If you suspect your pets have come into contact with any of the plants on the list and are showing any reaction please contact your vet immediately. I am also going to apologise for the length of this list…
February is Pet Dental Health Month
February is Pet Dental Health Month and just as humans suffer with oral problems so do your dogs. Looking after your pets teeth, is an important part of keeping your pet healthy as symptoms relating to the mouth can tell you a lot about the general health of your pet. Studies show up to 80% of dogs over the age of 3 have some form of dental disease. If you regularly clean your dogs teeth this will keep gums and teeth healthy; avoid pain, smelly breath and eating issues. Poor mouth hygiene allows bacteria to build up and worst case scenario, will get into the blood stream and affect other…
A Simple Guide to Bloat
Gastric dilation-Volvulus (GDV) commonly known as bloat, stomach torsion or twisted stomach, is an extremely serious and life threatening condition. If an owner suspects their dog has bloat they must get to a vet as quickly as they can, there is no home remedy for bloat and as many as 30% of dogs will die from it. What is bloat? One part of the condition is the gastric dilation or the “bloating” of the stomach and the other part is the Volvulus or torsion of the stomach. There are many different reasons that bloat can occur, sometimes the reasons are unknown; the stomach fills with air and puts pressure on…
Raw Feeding Recent Controversy
Recently there has been some controversy in the news about raw feeding your pets. As veterinarians are seeing an increase in the number of people choosing a raw diet; there are increasing their new appeals about them being dangerous. In actual fact a lot of vets that I have met haven’t actually researched into raw feeding as in depth of those who practise it. This is not a practise you just jump into; it’s something you research heavily and prepare for before doing it. These article are the most recent: Time magazine Telegraph Daily Mail Is it that risky? However; if you read these article what they actually say is…