Fruits and Vegetables that are NOT dog friendly | Dog Health
We all know that dogs LOVE human food, they will even perfect their best puppy dog eyes and beg for it. Since fruits and vegetables are healthy for humans most people will automatically assume they are health for dogs too. Well; not all of them some are toxic or have severe health issues after consumed by canines.
So why do we feed fruits and vegetables?
When I post a recipe on this blog; I make a habit of telling you how good the ingredients are for your dogs. Many of those reasons will be in this list below:
- They contain important vitamins and minerals for the body
- Some are packed full of anti oxidants
- Many fruits and vegetables can neutralise acid in the body
- Vegetables contain a variety of nutrients
- Richness of Omega-3; this can reduce inflammation and support the brain and central nervous system
- Certain fruits (like pineapple) contain digestive enzymes which aid digestion
- Using fruits and veg as a training treat can be a great low calorie alternative to commercially made treats
With all this being said about how great fruits and vegetables are, we know that a dog needs a varied and primarily meat diet.
If you are planning to give your dog the odd piece of fruit please ensure its not any of the ones on these lists:
Fruit Name | Parts to avoid | Why should you avoid |
Apple | Seeds | Seeds contain cyanide |
Apricot | Pit, leaves & stems | Pits are a choking hazard |
Avocado | Pit, skin & leaves | Pits are a choking hazard. Also contains Persin which is toxic causing vomiting and diarrhoea |
Cherries | Entire Plant | Pits are a choking hazard. Cherries also contain cyanide |
Currants | Entire Plant | Can result in severe, acute kidney failure |
Grapes | Entire Plant | Grapes are so toxic that they can lead to acute sudden kidney failure. |
Mango | Pit | Pits are a choking hazard |
Peaches | Pit | Pits are a choking hazard |
Persimmon | Seeds | Seeds from persimmons can cause problems in a dog's small intestine |
Plum | Pit | Pits are a choking hazard |
Raisin | Entire Plant | Raisins are so toxic that they can lead to acute sudden kidney failure. |
Rhubarb | Entire Plant | Rhubarb leaves are toxic, can reduce calcium. |
Tomatoes | Entire Plant | The green parts of the plant contain a toxic substance called solanine. |
Vegetable Name | Parts to avoid | Why should you avoid |
Garlic | Entire Plant | Toxic, contains Thiosulfate. Results in damage to red blood cells, can result to anaemia. |
Leeks | Entire Plant | Toxic, contains Thiosulfate. Results in damage to red blood cells, can result to anaemia. |
Mushroom | Entire Plant | Different mushroom has different toxicity |
Onion | Entire Plant | Toxic, contains Thiosulfate. Results in damage to red blood cells, can result to anaemia. |
Raw Potato | Entire Plant | Contains Solanine and Chaconine. Causing central nervous system, digestion and respiratory disorders |
Please be aware I am not a veterinarian, my research is all from years of personal research. For other dog health articles visit the Health tag.
Stay Pawsitive!
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