Sutton Park, Pack Walk | Dog Walks
Sutton Park is a National Nature Reserved measured at 2’400 acres just 6 miles North of Birmingham City Centre. It’s idyllic landscape has open heathland, woodland, boasts seven lakes, wetlands and marshes. Sutton Park is one of the largest urban parks in Europe and has been assigned as not only a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) but also a scheduled Ancient Monument.
Although we usually go to walk the dogs there are plenty of other attractions to bring the hundreds of people to Sutton Park these include: children’s playgrounds, Food & refreshments, a donkey sanctuary, sailing club, model aircraft clubs, golf and orienteering. As you can see this environment is abundant in opportunities to try out new skills or make new friends whilst doing what you enjoy.
Many of the features of the park date back over thousands of years and this becomes evident as you walk around it. The vegetation is natural it has been managed by the park wardens and the friends of Sutton Park to ensure the park remains a great place to go for all.
Neolithic Age tools have been found near Little Bracebridge Pool & Rowton’s Wall showing the age of this wonderful area.
Our walk
We start our walk down at Banners Gate in the South West region of the park, this always seem to be less foot traffic heavy and more dog walkers; which is great for the dogs. This particular walk was made aware to us by a pack Wren & I joined; before we moved for university. So as we are back in our home town; we all met up for a rather chilly pack walk. Unfortunately I didn’t get a great picture of us all but I’ll do my best with what I have 🙂
Wren – Japanese Akita Inu
Sherlock – Golden Retriever
Lola – Pug
Bilbo – Lurcher X
Maisie – Lurcher X
Nanook – Husky X Pomeranian
Dyson – Collie X Springer Spaniel
Gizmo – Chihuahua X

So as we set off down the ice covered paths; Wren incredibly excited to be back with her friends. We hit snow and ice, now over the last few weeks where we live has not had any snow, the Midlands however has had tonnes of it. This is Wren’s first encounter with snow and thick ice and I’m not sure shes a fan, she quite clumsy so staying on her feet is hard at the best of times. We decide that for the safety of the pack we will walk through the woods.
And; we are free, no leash running through the woods with our friends we’ve spent so long apart. Then Wren gets distracted she sees another dog who is not part of our group; she’s very friendly but this smaller dog (Cockapoo) did not want to play so it too bolted and ran in the opposite direction with Wren in fine pursuit. Wren’s recall is usually quite good but today she just wanted to play so getting her attention was hard while this smaller dog just kept running and crying. Once I got her attention I ran screaming her name in the opposite direction which left her with no other option but to chase mom :’) but after that she stayed with the pack and went back to her normal recall.

Our walk takes us through many different terrains such as: woodland, heathland & lakes. There are many lakes and pools in the area; if you don’t want your dog sopping wet or thick with black mud, it’s advised to keep them leashed. There is so many part of this walk where they will find mud pools & there is no other way to describe the smell then putrid. Unless you have a strong nose and can stomach it during the drive home, or can get your dog to wash off in one of the pools then it’s strongly advised to keep them leashed.
This walk is one of the greats, the scenery is stunning and even if the weather is cold and crappy it’s always a pleasant walk. There are hundreds of dogs that walk these paths day in day out so if you need somewhere to go where there is plenty of people to meet and talk to; Sutton Park of Birmingham is THE place to go.
Visit our Wyre Forest Pack Walk for another great pack walk in the area.

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Panchal Antonees
Awesome place to go for walking with the dog. It feels really amazing. Need to experience the climate to know more about the weather. Thanks
Walking with the pack
I scenery makes all the difference, always a lovely day out
The scenery just looks so calm and peaceful. I can wait until I get my little guy back so we can do this together! Great post.
Walking with the pack
It’s a walk I’d recommend it’s very peaceful even if there are a quite a few people. Always feels serene
Nice and beautiful scenario. I would love o experience that too.
I love the dogs.
Katie Kensy
This sounds like an awesome place to walk your dogs! We love taking our dogs on hikes in our state parks. The changes in scenery are so nice!
Walking with the pack
We would love to start hiking with the dogs but they are a little young at the moment, but that gives me time to get my fitness levels up too 🙂
Great name for the retriever…love Sherlock! I hipe he is better at handing the stick over than my choc lab is…..
Walking with the pack
To humans yes 🙂 but he teases the other dogs into a game of chase me chase me with sticks :’)
Ah bless him.