Boredom Busters for Dogs at Home
While I’m writing this blog the world is in lock-down; so it seems more relevant then ever. Wren and I are going stir crazy so these small boredom busters for dogs along side our daily walk is working out fantastically. However; these games don’t have to be just played in lock-down, they are great to play at any time. Games and activities are an essential part of a dogs life they encourage:1. Training – keeping those skills sharp2. Attention – building up a focus and attention on the owner3. Impulse control – foundations for most commands and skills for a dog4. Use energy that couldn’t otherwise be released – not…
We took a long break…
Hey guys; We’ve been away for a while, life kind of got in the way and I let the blog slip until we were stable enough to keep bringing you content. You will notice that there has been some significant changes within the pack; whilst we are lower in numbers, life is slowly getting back on track and is very much a better adventure. So whats happened whilst we have been AWOL:Abi has gained her degree (Marketing)We almost owns our own homeThere is a new human member of the pack, who I’m sure will feature in some postsThere has been many many adventures 5 things we’ve learnt When you have…